Divided into ten chapters, DOUBLING DOWN covers everything from being a supportive partner and managing money, to adjusting to retirement and juggling travel demands. DOUBLING DOWN: The Secret Sauce for Dual-Career Families begins with an eye-opening revelation:...
“Gordon and Bluestein, former CEOs of multiple international organizations, pair expert know-how with streetwise experience in this indispensable guide for couples–or singles–looking for success in dual-career roles. Married for more than 40 years, the duo share...
The pandemic has put many dual-career families through a particularly rigorous stress test. Figuring out how to be effective in two high-powered careers while working remotely and still splitting other life responsibilities equitably requires high levels of creativity...
When mom and dad both have demanding careers, a game plan is in order to help everyone enjoy family time and professional satisfaction. We’re thrilled to have had an opportunity to share our story and discuss our book on AM560 The Answer in Chicago on November...
We’re thrilled to launch our new blog, “Live. Work. Love.” on Psychology Today. We’ll be sharing advice gleaned from our 42-year marriage and our careers in the C-suite. Read Blog ...
Thanks to all who joined us for a discussion on creating a game plan for enjoying the financial and personal satisfaction rewards of a dual-career family. Watch Session ...
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